After three groundbreaking years at the helm, Breakthrough Victoria’s inaugural CEO, Grant Dooley, has announced his departure. Under his dedicated leadership, the Victorian Government’s technology innovation and commercialisation fund has established itself as one of Australia’s most active venture capital investors.

Having ably lead BV through its establishment phase, he has decided to step aside to allow a new CEO to take the business on the next stage of its growth journey. Dooley intends to spend more time with his family before looking for a new challenge.

Dooley commenced in the role in November 2021, returning to his hometown of Melbourne from Singapore where he formerly headed ARA Infrastructure, managing public and private investment across the Asia-Pacific region. The former diplomat was previously an Executive Director and Head of Asia for Hastings Funds Management.

“When I was first approached, I was attracted by the Victorian Government’s bold vision to create a truly transformative investment vehicle to disrupt the traditional grant-based approach to supporting and financing the commercialisation of innovation in the state,” Dooley said. “The establishment of an independent investment manager, with investment decision-making powers at arm's length from government processes and institutions, was truly innovative in its ambition and scope within the Australian context.”

Now firmly established as one of Australia’s leading impact investors, BV has invested in 27 companies, one fund, and six university platforms, with committed capital of more than $350 million.

"The opportunity to serve as Breakthrough Victoria’s inaugural CEO is one that I will forever cherish. In just under three years, BV has been transformed into one of the most active and impactful venture capital investors in Australia,” he said.

Breakthrough Victoria Chair, John Brumby, commended Dooley’s leadership and commitment to BV.

“The board extends its gratitude to Grant for his dedication, leadership and commitment to the mission of Breakthrough Victoria. BV is poised to continue its growth trajectory, building on the strong foundations he has put in place. Grant’s hard work and dedication, and his ability to build a talented team has BV well positioned to continue investing in innovation for impact.”

While Dooley is proud of what Breakthrough Victoria has become, he is most proud of the team he helped build.

“I am incredibly grateful to our staff. The BV team are experienced professionals who pride themselves on their professionalism and commitment to delivering value for money. Without their tireless efforts and expertise, BV would not have achieved the impact it has had on Victoria's innovation sector this past three years," he said.

As Dooley prepares to pass the baton, he will remain with BV to support the search for a new CEO, ensuring a smooth transition for the next chapter in BV’s remarkable journey.